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Marketing And Communication Tactics For Corporate Presentation 101

Ulfah Alifah
Ulfah Alifah
communication tactics for corporate presentation

Table of Contents

There are many marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation, and we will give you some of the most successful ways with the least effort needed.

Look at how Apple and Tesla present their newest products. Instead of just using the conventional way of advertising, they use corporate presentation. Not only it makes the marketing words spread more effectively, but it also becomes their identity.

People love to see and even watch their corporate presentations. The proof is that anytime their new presentation is scheduled, many people wait in line to witness the corporate presentation and become the first to know their newest innovations.

But why if this tactic is so effective, not so many companies prefer using corporate presentation instead of conventional advertising? The answer is because not every company has good marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation.

Corporate presentations’ marketing and communication tactics are difficult, but they can be tricky if you don’t know anything about it. That’s why here we give you some tips about marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentations.

Always know the purpose of your presentation

There is always a big difference between a dog running to its owner and a dog chasing a burglar. One shows happiness and friendliness, while the other shows its fierce and threatful presence to the human it is running into.

But what if the dog is running into you without showing either friendliness or threat; will you welcome it or run away from it? Most likely, you will be confused, and as self-defense, you will see it as a threat instead of a friendly gesture.

The same thing applies to your corporate presentation. What are you presenting? What kind of identity do you want your company to show? If there are new products, what kind of brand image are you going to set? All of those questions should become the basis of your corporate presentation.

Marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation mainly orbit the answer to those questions. So, as the first giant leap to take, find the answer to those questions before someone ask about it during your presentation, and you cannot find the answer.

Learn marketing and communication tactics for a corporate presentation from big companies

Do you have an idol? Do you want to do something as good as your idol, at least? If so, then you might want to watch and rewatch how big companies do their corporate presentation. By doing that, you will learn their marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation.

Do you remember the scandalous Theranos and its founder Elizabeth Holmes? She copied her idol’s (Steve Jobs) marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation, resulting in her receiving a multibillion investment.

You don’t need to copy the whole thing from Jobs’ corporate presentation as far into its black turtleneck trademark. You have to learn how he communicates in front of the audience, what’s interesting about his presentation, and how his words made an innovation worth millions of people lining up for days.

It is also important to make notes about interesting things you find during their presentation and adopt it. But most importantly…

…practice your marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation regularly

Yes, practice makes perfect, and it applies 100% to your public speaking skill. The more you practice your public speaking skill, the easier it would be to learn any new marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation in the future.

There is one thing that you might not know about public speaking skills. This skill is not inherent, meaning anyone can master it as long as they have the motivation to learn. Indeed, some special people can make their words sound like a preach, but it is still public speaking.

Remember that it has the word ‘public’ in it, meaning you can get access to the speech and learn their strong points. Your determination to learn is more important than your current ability or your idol’s ability. Who knows, with hard work, you will become somebody else’s idol in the future?

Remember these points while presenting:

Okay, so you have recognized the purpose of your presentation, you have watched and rewatched every single startups’ corporate presentation, and you have practiced routinely three times a day. What’s next, then?

The next thing you should do is to hold on to these things when presenting:

a. Tell stories in order

You can see how people in TED Talk usually start by telling their heartwarming stories, but later on, they will slowly turn the wheel into their main topic. Those people talk about things in elegant order like they have created an outline of what they are talking about, and indeed they must have! Stories are useful to attract their attention, but make sure you control your steering wheel.

b. Big picture of the objectives

Every presentation has its biggest objectives, and sometimes the presenter gets carried away from presenting it. Do not ever forget that your corporate presentation is not bedtime storytelling. Yes, tell some stories, but make sure you always have the entrance into your main topic.

c. Make your audience the presenters

This is one of the greatest marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation. To control the stage, you don’t have to be a solo performer. You can use people’s assumptions and knowledge to assist you in presenting too!

For example, throw a sample case and ask them for a solution before pointing out the solution you can offer. This way, you will save much time explaining something that your audience already knows, ensuring that you provide the solution to that problem, like killing two birds with one stone.

Set the mentality

Never take how the audience sees your attitude lightly. You should pay good attention to it because your attitude accounts for more than 50% of the audience’s decision.

Here are the points in mind that you need to work on.

a. Go bold on the first impression

The first impression matters, and it matters a lot. That’s why having a bold first impression is important, and that is something that you have to go after. A bold first impression will not only be remembered throughout the presentation but also days after it. Your audience will start to remember you as someone bold from that point on.

b. Don’t laugh at your jokes alone

Be a fun presenter and put some ‘professional’ jokes, so your presentation is not boring. One thing to note is, don’t laugh at your jokes before the audience laugh because it will result in an awkward situation.

c. Always challenge their beliefs

“How many people from 2011 do you think would not believe that in the next decade, their phones will be able to sing happy birthday or make a joke? Not one or two, but the entire planet would not believe it. However, take a look at today’s AI technology in smartphones. What will happen in the next decade?”

Such a kind of belief-challenging statement will make you more interactive and make you look smarter in front of the audience.

d. Present it as a human

The last piece of advice in marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation is, don’t be afraid to make some mistake. However, make sure that your mistakes will not discredit you or irreparable. And you know what?

By following all the advice above, your chance of making yourself discredited or irreparable mistake is so low. Don’t be afraid, and minor mistakes will not end your career. Just go for it, and add it up to your experience tally!

Marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation PowerPoint slides

Another thing that you should pay attention to is your presentation slides. This is the story our audience’s attention you bring into war, while the others are your shield and armor.

Here are some points you cannot miss out on in your presentation slides.

a. Make it visually appealing

This is one of the most important marketing and communication tactics for corporate presentation. An attractive presentation slide will attract the audience’s attention and help them comprehend things better.

b. Always go for key features of your products

Please don’t put the picture of your cats in the presentation slides because it will distract your audience’s attention. You only need to put key features of your products and nothing else.

c. Never present a whole novel

You might want to put many things in the slides, and you may also think that all of those things matter. But no, not everything that you want to put in the slides matter, let alone important. Make sure you only put the most important points, and you can elaborate on the explanations later.

See also

Why Written Communication Skills Matter More When Working Remotely and How to Improve Them

How to Make Your Social Media Marketing Plan Support Your Business’s Goals

How to Prepare for a Speech in One Day 

Customers or Users’ X Design Skills

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