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How to Maximize Efficiency in Your Business: Time-Saving Tools for Productivity


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Every good businessperson knows that time is money. And money is something that you can’t waste in business. To run a business well, you need a productive and efficient team.

Working quickly, however, doesn’t always lead to productivity. You never want to sacrifice quality for quantity. The best way to do this is to save time by being efficient in small, unexpected ways.

There are lots of little hacks for saving time. These are just a few ways that you can save time and money for your business.

Generous Planning

Plan with enough time for things to go wrong.

Because every once in a while, things will get out of hand.

There will be that day when everyone is sick or the fire alarm goes off. You need to have planned with enough time to still come out on top.

If you think something will take an hour, give yourself an hour and a half.

If you end up with extra time, use that time for getting small tasks out of the way. Or take a little coffee break so you can focus on your next job.

When you realize you’ve overbooked yourself, ask a colleague to step in. There’s no need to do everything on your own.

Perfect Timing

Timing really is everything.

This is especially true when planning business travel. Booking prices can vary a lot depending on when you search for hotels and flights.

Searches are run by algorithms. But you can outsmart the computer. Here are the best times to book hotels.

Generally, right after work is not the best time. Luckily, if you are booking a work trip, you’re probably booking while at work.

Traveling during the week also saves time and money. Which, if you are traveling for work, you probably are traveling during the week.

Head to destinations off-season. Your destination might be inflexible if you’re visiting clients or at a conference. But if you’re planning an event for your team, you can pick somewhere unique. 

Knowing the right times and places to book will save you lots of money. It will also save you a lot of time searching for the perfect price.

Sometimes it might be worth it just to book something. Even if it’s a few dollars more expensive, you’re saving yourself time.

Share these resources with your colleagues so they can save time, too.

Standing Meetings

People are more active when they’re on their feet.

Studies have shown that standing meetings are more efficient than sitting ones. They are also infinitely more efficient than virtual meetings.

If possible, skip the meeting altogether. While face-to-face interactions are important, most things can be communicated in a single email.

Before scheduling a meeting, ask yourself if you would really want to go.

Your employees don’t want to feel like their time is being wasted. Respect their time and your own. If you feel like the email was inefficient, schedule a follow-up meeting to clear up any questions.

Try and pack as much into a single meeting as possible. But be aware that people don’t have the longest attention spans. Don’t go over too much information in one sitting.

If you have a seated meeting, schedule some stretch or snack breaks.

Good Software

Having multiple systems and apps will confuse people.

Use software designed for small businesses. Or, if you are a big business, go with one of the bigger software companies.

Try to have as few logins and unique platforms as possible. Logging in wastes time and bandwidth. Make the process as streamlined as possible.

Choose software that is easy for people to use and interact with.

Unless you are a high-tech company, most of your employees aren’t going to be familiar with advanced platforms. Pick something with an easy interface.

Once you find good software, stick with it.


Evaluate things during the planning process.

Anticipate things that could go wrong and double-check.

Make sure that there are no schedule conflicts or other obvious oversights. Everyone makes mistakes. That’s why it’s important to proofread everything.

Ask someone else to look over your work.

Four eyes are better than two. It might also be good to get some suggestions and ideas about how to be more productive.

Ask your employees what works best for them. Ask what helps them stay concentrated and motivated.

Incorporate their feedback.


It is possible to run a business efficiently. All it takes is a bit of organization and good planning.

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