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Creative Tips to Give Your SaaS Business a Competitive Edge

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Selling software as a service is tricky, no matter how high the demand in the SaaS business sector is. The most daunting part of the industry is the high competition in the SaaS market. You may have to beat hundreds of similar products to get customer attention and retain it for the long haul. Moreover, the B2B market is inherently challenging because it entails selling your offering to business leaders instead of general consumers.

Of course, you must master your marketing campaigns to build visibility, reach, and trust. But you cannot rely only on them because all your competitors do the same. The only way to survive and thrive in the SaaS domain is by gaining a competitive edge. Here are some creative tips to win the game for your SaaS business.

Focus on your client’s needs

Focusing on your client’s needs is the mainstay of business success in all domains, and SaaS is no exception. In fact, sellers in the industry must go the extra mile as they cater to savvy business leaders who know exactly what they want. In-depth market research is the best starting point to learn about the needs, expectations, and pain points of the target audience. Replicating them in your software solution is the key to winning and retaining customers for the long haul. Follow the same mindset in SaaS marketing, specifically when building SaaS backlinks for your digital campaigns. Look for relevant content and linking sources to ensure they address the needs of your clients.

Give attention to detail

Getting a competitive advantage in the SaaS landscape requires more than creating products already existing in the market. You must focus on adding new and improved ideas to make your software better than the others in the market. Remember that you do not need to launch a perfect solution at the first release. But you must get close to perfection with attention to detail and subsequent updates, fixes, and improvements. Also, ensure a stable release that gets sufficient traction in the competitive market. Experimenting with your price ranges is another good way to sustain your business and customers, regardless of the growing competition in the market. 

Keep an eye on competitors

This one is a no-brainer because you must know where the competitors stand to gain an advantage over them. Start by checking their product thoroughly, and digging deep into the features, strengths, and weaknesses. You can use these factors as the benchmark for a new product or compare it with the one you already have. Besides staying ahead of software specifications, check the marketing strategies of competitors to understand what works for them. You need not copy them to get a winning edge, but find ways to beat them at their game.

Establish your expertise

Software products are complicated and expensive, so buyers need to be extra sure while buying them. You can give potential buyers a free trial or basic versions to gain trust and push them toward the paid versions. But getting a competitive edge is more about establishing your expertise in the industry. Think beyond advertising your products with direct promotions because they only make your brand visible and get attention. The real deal to make people trust your brand and offering is by giving them valuable content. Whatever content features on your website, social media, and guest posts should be genuine and informative. Explain what your product is about, how it resolves the users’ pain points, and why it is better than other similar products in the market. Quality content wins buyer trust and gives your business the SEO advantage. 

Build a scalable customer acquisition strategy

While the SaaS startup model is relatively easy and flexible, you cannot leave customer acquisition to chance. Even the best product is not an assurance that customers will sign up for it. Seasoned marketers at Outreach Monks recommend a solid SEO plan with a robust link-building strategy to win the marketing game for your business. The approach makes your website visible on the top, so business leaders are most likely to trust you as a domain expert. A product that matches their expectations can get you even more customers as existing ones spread the word.  Besides a winning SEO plan, a positive social media presence keeps your business ahead in the race.

See also: Tips for a Successful Business Plan


Giving your SaaS business a competitive advantage requires a creative approach instead of conventional marketing tactics in other business domains. Everything boils down to winning the trust of your target audience by convincing them about the usability and value of your product. The more they believe you know and understand their needs, the more likely they stick with your SaaS offering. You can rely on these creative tips and tricks to ace the SaaS marketing game and set yourself apart in a challenging landscape. 

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