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What are Professional Skills?

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professional skills

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Professional skills are the skills that are specific to a particular job or profession.

They are usually learned through on-the-job training or academic study.

Some examples of professional skills include:

  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Computer programming
  • Customer service
  • Design
  • Event planning
  • Human resources
  • Marketing
  • Project management
  • Sales
  • Teaching

These are just a few examples of professional skills; there are many more.

The important thing to remember is that professional skills are specific to a particular job or profession.

If you want to be successful in your career, it is important to develop skills that are relevant to your field.

How are professional skills different from professions?

A profession is a paid occupation, typically one that involves particular training and a formal qualification.

Professional skills, on the other hand, are the abilities that you need to do your job well.

While you might develop some professional skills through your job, they are not always a requirement for entry into a profession.

The main difference between professional skills and professions is that professional skills can be learned through experience and training, while a profession usually requires a formal qualification.

Professional skills are also generally transferable between different industries, whereas professions are often specific to one industry or sector.

There are many different types of professional skills, but some common ones include:

  • Communication skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Time management skills
  • Research skills
  • Writing skills

If you want to pursue a career in a particular profession, it is important to research the specific requirements for entry into that field.

However, developing strong skills can be beneficial for any type of career.

See also: Time Management Skills to Make Earning Your Online Degree Easier

How to feature professional skills in your resume?

When it comes to writing a resume, there are several things you need to take into consideration.

One of the most important aspects is showcasing your professional skills in an effective way.

According to Coursera, LinkedIn saw two connected trends occur in just two years: The number of jobs that didn’t require a degree grew on the platform by nearly 40 percent between 2019 and 2020, and the number of job listings focusing on skills and responsibilities rather than credentials grew by 21 percent between 2020 and 2021

Your resume is essentially a marketing tool that should highlight your skills and experience in a way that appeals to potential employers.

Therefore, it’s important to spend some time thinking about how you can best showcase your professional skills.

Here are a few tips to help you feature your professional skills in your resume:

Highlight your skills in the professional experience section

When it comes to highlighting your professional skills, the professional experience section is one of the most important parts of your resume.

This is where you can really showcase what you’ve accomplished in your career.

When listing your professional experience, be sure to include details about your skills and responsibilities in each role.

This will give employers a good idea of the kinds of skills you have and how you’ve used them in a professional setting.

See also: The Easiest Ways to Improve Your Classroom Presentation Skill: Try Free Online Resources Too!

Use keywords related to your skills

When employers are looking through resumes, they often use software that scans for specific keywords.

According to Jobscan, 99% of Fortune 500 companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen candidates and narrow the list down to the top job applicants.

This means that recruiters and hiring managers are not the only ones you need to impress. 

Therefore, it’s important to include keywords related to your professional skills throughout your resume.

Make a list of the skills you want to highlight and then look for opportunities to incorporate those keywords into your resume.

For example, if you’re looking to highlight your customer service skills, you might use keywords such as “customer service,” “client relations,” or “customer satisfaction.”

Use specific examples and anecdotes

In addition to using keywords, it’s also important to use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your professional skills.

This will give employers a more concrete idea of your skills and how you’ve used them in the past.

When providing examples, be sure to include details about the situation, what you did, and the outcome.

For instance, you might say something like “I was able to resolve a customer complaint by remaining calm and taking the time to listen to their concerns.”

See also: Customers or Users’ X Design Skills: What Skills Do We Need to Become a Better UX Designer?

Focus on results

When it comes to your professional skills, employers are primarily interested in results.

Therefore, you should focus on showcasing the results you’ve achieved in your career.

For instance, if you’re highlighting your sales skills, you might want to include information about your sales numbers or quotas.

If you’re highlighting your customer service skills, you might want to include customer satisfaction ratings.

See also: Why Written Communication Skills Matter More When Working Remotely and How to Improve Them

Use active language

When writing about your professional skills, it’s important to use active language. This means using action verbs such as able to “achieve,” “improve,” or “resolve.”

Using active language will make your resume more engaging and easier to read.

It will also help to highlight your skills in a more positive light.

When it comes to writing a resume, highlighting your professional skills is essential.

Use the tips above to ensure that your resume effectively showcases your skills and experience.

See also: 20 Tech Skills You Need to Increase Your Job Opportunities During Outbreaks

How to improve your professional skills?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to improve your professional skills will vary depending on your specific field and career goals.

However, there are a few general tips that can help you sharpen your skills and stand out from the competition.

Stay up to date with the latest trends

If you want to be seen as a leader in your field, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends.

This means keeping abreast of new developments in your industry and being familiar with the latest tools and technologies.

You can do this by reading industry publications, attending conferences and seminars, and networking with other professionals.

Get certified

One way to show that you’re an expert in your field is to get certified.

There are many different types of certification programs available, so do some research to find one that would be beneficial for you.

Getting certified will not only give you a credential to add to your resume, but it can also help you land a job or get promoted.

According to Gina Riley on LinkedIn say that “Certifications are helpful in that they can give a job seeker confidence and credibility.”

It shows dedication to your field and is a way to showcase you’ve earned your knowledge in this way.

The decision-makers for the jobs that you’re applying for can see that you’re a continuous learner, that you continue to educate yourself on the top trends in your field and deliver the most modern approaches possible.” 

Pursue continuing education

Another great way to improve your skill is to pursue continuing education.

This could involve taking classes, attending workshops, or even getting a degree or certificate in a related field.

Pursuing continuing education shows that you’re committed to lifelong learning and keeping your skills up-to-date.

Be proactive

In today’s competitive job market, it’s not enough to just have the right skills—you also need to be proactive about marketing yourself and your abilities. This means being active on social media, writing articles or blog posts, giving presentations, and networking with potential employers. By being proactive, you’ll make it easier for employers to find you and see the value that you can bring to their organization.

Be flexible

Finally, it’s important to be flexible in today’s ever-changing job market.

This means being open to new opportunities, trying different things, and being willing to adapt to change.

According to MindTools, most of us have experienced a change in the workplace at some point.

In fact, according to research from the Manpower Group, 74 percent of U.K. businesses have undergone restructuring in the past five years.

That’s why flexibility is so important. By being flexible, you’ll make it easier for yourself to find a job that’s a good fit for your skills and goals.

Improving your skill is an ongoing process that will take time and effort.

However, if you follow these tips, you can start making yourself more marketable and increase your chances of success in your career.

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