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5 Benefits of Using a Lone Worker Safety App

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lone worker safety app

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Employers have a legal duty to protect all of their employees. While often overlooked, this duty extends to lone workers just as much, perhaps even more so, than their counterparts who work at a ‘traditional’ workplace.

As a result, when it comes to protecting their lone workers, employers should be diligent in using every tool at their disposal to keep them safe. Here we discuss the multiple safety benefits of using a lone worker app.

Enhanced communication

One of the primary benefits of the lone worker safety app is its ability to enhance communication between employer and employee. Lack of communication can lead to multiple disasters in the workplace, with differing levels of severity. 

This can range from miscommunication on task management all the way to workers being unable to alert their manager of dangerous environments.

Location tracking

It can be extremely difficult for employers to ensure the safety of their employees if they don’t know where they are. With lone workers who could be in any number of locations, a lone worker app can be an excellent way of facilitating tracking.

The best apps have GPS/GNSS and Indoor Positioning without tracking, in addition to TPA Timed Check-in capabilities, meaning that employers can know where their lone workers are at all times.

See also: 30 Best Apps & Software to Be Aware of When Going Freelancers

Ease of implementation

Unlike lone worker safety devices, lone worker safety apps often do not require the purchase of additional hardware. They are generally compatible with most modern smartphones, both iPhones and Androids, meaning that employees can integrate them with existing technologies with ease.

Not only can this cut costs for employers, but it also makes it easier for employees to adopt the app. They don’t need to remember to carry and charge a separate device, they just need to remember to carry their smartphone with them.

Alarm capabilities

Lone worker safety apps allow workers to raise the alarm in a wide variety of scenarios. This could be a piece of crucial machinery malfunctioning or something more drastic such as a fall or personal accident. 

Many apps also feature True Man Down Detection, which can automatically send an alert back to the employer in the case that a lone worker slips and is knocked unconscious or otherwise incapacitated.

Increased safety

All of these combine to lead to a safer work environment for lone workers, along with the ability for employers to provide clearer, more reliable instructions. This leads to more effective employees, who can operate with the knowledge that they have a team ready to intervene in the case that something goes wrong.

See also: B2B Venture Needs Mobile App Platform to Grow and Scale Better, Why?

As you can see, lone worker safety apps can play a significant role in increasing both the safety and productivity of remote employees. With nothing to lose and lots to gain, it’s time that more employers start adopting them as standard practice in multiple different fields.

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