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The Ultimate Marketing Guide to Email Validation


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An email has always been the most popular method of communication. It’s quick and easy to use, and you don’t have to worry about being overheard or bugged by someone else. But it can also be tricky for marketers. A marketing guide to email validation is a process that lets you confirm that the addresses in your database are real and not being used by spammers or hackers.

If your email list is full of invalid addresses, then your campaigns aren’t going to reach their intended audience—and if they’re not reaching their intended audience, then what’s the point? Fortunately, there are tools out there that make it easy for marketers to validate their lists so they can spend more time focused on growing their business rather than dealing with bad data storage issues all day long!

A customer’s email address is often more important than their name

As a marketer, your job is to send relevant emails to the right people at the right time. Your email list is one of your most valuable assets, so it’s important to grow and maintain it as best you can.

To do this, you need to make sure you’re collecting emails from customers in a way that makes sense for your business. You want to collect relevant information from people who are likely interested in what you have to offer—and ensure that this information is accurate and up-to-date.

Why is email validation so important?

Email validation is a simple but effective way of preventing bad data storage, segmenting your audience, and protecting your sender’s reputation. Here’s why:

Bad data storage

Email addresses can contain errors, such as extra characters or missing dots. When this happens, there is a higher chance that emails subsequently sent to these addresses will be delivered to the spam folder or rejected completely by ISPs (internet service providers). This generates more work for you as an email marketer because it requires you to resend these emails again in order for them not only to get into their inboxes but also to increase response rates from recipients who may have missed out on an earlier campaign because of invalid formats.

Segmentation of audiences based on domain name and formatting rules (such as whether they are case-sensitive)

Mailing lists created based on domain names allow advertisers greater reach while maintaining accuracy through email validation tools such as DomainHunter Plus™ – one such solution recommended by Kayako Support team members who use it for customer verification across multiple customer service channels including live chat software like Zendesk Support Center and other third party apps like Intercom CRM Software Suite.

It prevents you from storing invalid emails

It prevents you from storing invalid emails.

Email validation is a crucial part of any email marketing campaign. The last thing you need is to be sending marketing emails to customers who don’t even exist, right? You can avoid this by making sure your email addresses are validated and safe for use.

Here’s how:

Use the same domain name that appears in your web address bar when checking if an email address is valid. For example, if you visit [http://www.example.com](http://www.example.com) and then type [test@test-domain-here](test@test-domain-here) into the email field, it will automatically validate itself as correct because both domains match up (e.g., test@test-domain-here). This way, you’ll know right away if someone typed in the wrong domain when entering their information into your form on their end!

It reduces bounce rates and protects your sender’s reputation

Email validation is the best way to reduce bounce rates, which are the number of emails that are returned to the sender. When an email address isn’t valid, it’s considered a “bounce.” If you have high bounce rates, it means that your list is low quality, and you may be sending more spammy content than you realize.

Email address validation helps protect your sender’s reputation by preventing these types of emails from being sent in the first place. Since most ISPs use sender reputation as a measure of trustworthiness, we recommend using an email validation service like Validea or Mail Tester if you’re concerned about your company’s reputation.

It helps you to segment your audience

By segmenting your audience, you’ll be able to send emails to people who are interested in what you have to say. This will help increase engagement and conversion rates.

Segmenting your audience is also important because it allows you to send targeted emails based on the content of each message—this means fewer people will unsubscribe or mark it as spam.

How do you go about email validation?

DMARC can be used to authenticate your emails, meaning that your organization’s messages are sent from a known source and are not spoofed. This is especially important if you’re sending sensitive information such as passwords or logins for banking services.

DMARC helps reduce spam and phishing by allowing recipients to report fraudulent emails, which in turn allows organizations to take action against those who misuse their domains. It also helps prevent spoofing by ensuring that the same message looks identical when opened on different devices (such as mobile phones) or software platforms (such as desktop computers). For example, DMARC ensures that the From address reads “From” rather than “From:.”

Use DMARC to authenticate your emails

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is an authentication framework that helps email receivers assess the trustworthiness of email messages sent from your domain. Using DMARC, you can indicate whether you want to receive reports about unauthorized or fraudulent emails sent on behalf of your domain. It also lets you publish policies that tell other organizations what they should do if they discover any problems with mail they’re sending on your behalf.

Register a custom domain and use it exclusively for sending emails

Registering a domain for email marketing is crucial. When you choose a domain and use it exclusively for your emails, you are telling recipients that the messages they receive from you are legitimate.

The first step to registering a custom email address is finding an available .com or .co domain (or any other top-level domain).

Make sure your content is human-readable and relevant

Make sure your content is human-readable and relevant. A marketing guide to email validation is more than just a single checkbox—it’s an opportunity to show your customers that they matter to you and that you’re invested in understanding them as people. This means creating messaging that’s tailored to each individual recipient, not just some generic template. It also means avoiding marketing speak and jargon, using conversational language instead of complex sentences, avoiding exclamation marks or capital letters (unless they’re part of the recipient’s name), and keeping subject lines short yet specific enough for recipients to know what the email concerns without reading it first.

Email validation tools are easy to use, help you avoid bad data storage, and even improve click rates

The benefits of a marketing guide to email validation tools include:

  • They’re easy to use, so even beginners can get started right away.
  • They can save you money by preventing your company from storing invalid emails in your database. This means you won’t pay for space wasted on unconfirmed email addresses and other invalid data, which can lead to lower server costs and more efficient data management overall.
  • Email validation tools also improve click rates because they make sure that customers receive quality content from the brands they subscribe with their information (like the newsletters).

Email validation tools are easy to use and help you avoid bad data storage. They also improve click rates.

See also: 15 Effective Email Marketing Strategies to Generate More Sales


By following these simple steps and using a marketing guide to email validation tools like Email Verified, you can make sure your emails are more effective and keep your brand’s reputation intact.

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