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Logo Redesign: Why and When to Do It

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A few decades ago, it was believed that once a brand logo was designed, it could never change. They claimed that truly trustworthy businesses don’t change over time; instead, they stay true to the customs and values of their “founding fathers.” It was feared that by changing the logo, the company may lose part of its familiarity and that competitors would exploit this.

However, it is becoming commonplace to redesign logos. And not just in the forward-thinking field of IT, where many businesses lack a long history, but also in more traditional industries like the food industry, the automobile industry, etc. Even the oldest and most well-known brands make the decision to update their image because they understand how important it is now. An expert who also cooperates with writing services by native writers will explain why and when a logo redesign is necessary.

What is a logo redesign?

Many people wrongly think that redesigning is the same as rebranding, and as a result, they believe redesigning to be a time-consuming, expensive, and resource-intensive process. However, it is important to make a distinction between these two notions. Rebranding involves updating the entire brand concept, including the design, philosophy, mission, and guiding principles. On the other hand, a redesign only makes visual updates without making any other substantial modifications.

Usually, there are two kinds of redesigns:

Taking into account the previous logo

Here the existing image is simply updated and adapted to the modern criteria of design quality. Perhaps they simplify it or, on the contrary, add a new element. But the essence remains the same.

From scratch

Sometimes the logo is redesigned completely. This happens as part of the rebranding, which we wrote about just above. Here the designer’s imagination is not limited by anything – he doesn’t need to look back at the existing image but can come up with a new one.

Redesigning a logo usually includes choosing a new color scheme, redesigning the typography, and following current design trends. Rarely is the type of logo changed; if it was previously an abbreviation or symbol, it is best to keep it that way to maintain its original level of recognition.

Then the updated design should be replaced on all platforms and media: the website, social networks, business cards, outdoor advertising, etc.

When it’s time to make a redesign

Marketing experts recommend redesigning at least once every 10 years. Some businesses may switch their logos up to once a year, especially in the early stages of growth. You can use the following factors to decide if it’s time to redesign.

Your company has grown qualitatively and quantitatively

A few years ago you were just starting your own business, you had a few clients, a small office on the outskirts of town, and little turnover. Then you requested a straightforward, low-cost design from a novice freelancer, gave him your own instructions, and approved the first draft.

Time passed, the business expanded, and now you are on an entirely different level with branches spread around the region, several sales offices and staff, important clients, and a reputation in your industry. But your company’s logo hasn’t changed from the beginning. In this instance, it does not reflect the company’s current state, hence an update is advised.

See also: A Guide to Creating a Successful Logo for Your Business‌

The design is outdated

Another case is when you examine the logos of your competitors and find that they are more stylish, contemporary, and accurately represent the spirit of the company. You recall that large letters, shadows, and gradients were popular at the time you purchased the initial logo. But in present times, such an identity appears, at the very least, antiquated, if not absurd. The moment has come to update it. A writing company that offers a reddit essay writing service to students gained more than a thousand new customers when it changed its logo. The quality of service, prices, and services were unchanged, but the new logo redesign was able to attract more customers than tempting discounts.

The company has changed

Generally speaking, businesses might combine when one buys out the other. If they were two equally sized competitors, it would make sense for a redesign to take this merger into account. This occurred, for instance, with the Motorola logo after Google bought the company. The Google colors were added, and it was modified.

Additionally, businesses occasionally expand into new fields of activity. You might have begun with a pastry store, watched your company grow, and then opened your own café or restaurant. Additionally, if your logo originally featured a cake or a bun, this picture becomes meaningless when your areas of operation expand, thus it should be changed to something more universal.

Why redesign a logo

It’s not a tribute to fashion; rather, it’s an inescapable process that directly affects how well your marketing works. Every step a company takes is intended to boost revenues, and redesigning is no different. Redesigning your image has a number of real advantages beyond simply following trends.

See also: 7 Logo Design Tips to Take Your Brand to the Next Level

Shows the evolution of the brand

You can convey to the audience the new company values and philosophy by using the new logo. You can establish the proper associations and expose the brand’s characteristics. It is usual for the brand to change, expand, and get better, and it is customary to inform and demonstrate this expansion to the audience.

Will help you adapt your business to the Internet

Previously, the logo had to appear well on only printed materials like business cards and outdoor advertising. It is now equally crucial that it displays beautifully on computer, tablet, and smartphone screens.

Businesses have corporate applications and websites that represent their brand identity, therefore it’s critical that all visual components are clear and understandable across all platforms. Your logo will become simpler and easier to see on all displays if your design is updated, which will help you remove unnecessary aspects.

See also: How Can UX Design Improve Our Design Logo?

A reason for informational activity

You’ve probably heard news reports or articles at least once about a well-known company changing its corporate identity or logo. Undoubtedly, a redesign can serve as a justification for PR and marketing efforts. You can include a contest, a promotion, or choose other logo variations and set up a voting process so that your audience can choose the one they like most. They will become more devoted and confident in your brand as a result.

A logo redesign is essentially not needed very often. Pay attention to trends, and the look of the logo on advertisements and business cards. It’s important that the logo is distinct and easy to understand. It makes sense to change something when your brand or service stops attracting new customers, then you already need a deeper approach to studying the problem, starting with the concept of your service. You can always ask marketers, and PR people for help, and an experienced essay writer can help you write a business plan.

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