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Want to Make Engaging Presentation Design? Follow 25 Tips Here

Nurma Febriana
Nurma Febriana
engaging presentation design

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Are you feeling stressed out in making your presentation design?

We know three things to engage your audiences through presentation design: structure, content, and people who give the presentation. When giving a presentation, sometimes our topic is not engaging, and our charisma does not attract audiences.

So An engaging presentation design is essential to attract the audience’s attention. Most people do not notice the appearance of a presentation. We need to pay attention to our presentation design to attract the audience to avoid boredom.

Here, we’ve put a beginner’s guide to creating an engaging presentation design. So, are you ready to prepare an engaging presentation design?

What is the presentation design?

The presentation must tell a story with structure, slides contain text, and the presenter should explain. There are charts and graphs, and each screen shows the brightest colors imaginable. But before we go any further, let’s learn about the purpose of presentation design. 


Presentations provide new knowledge to the audience.


Presentations provide practical methods for applying shared knowledge.


The presentation can captivate the imagination of the audience.


Presentations evoke feelings that can affect the audience’s behavior.


Presentations will trigger people to move and act based on their analysis.


The presentation can convince the audience.

Presentation design is a part of the presentation that interests an audience or client and gives information in various methods, such as audio, video, text, animation, and graphics. Generally, the presentation slide consists of an introduction, body content, conclusions, and Q&A.

Why are so many PowerPoint presentations boring?

Here are two main problems:

Too much text

Many people write down all the material on the presentation slides. But this will make the audience disinterested.

Not visual enough

The best way to present information is visuality. PowerPoint is a visual medium. The audience will hear some important information. So that if the presentation is only text, the audience will feel bored quickly.

Tips and tricks to engaging presentation design

An engaging presentation design is a presentation to engage a large audience fully. An attractive presentation design is a direct conversation between you and your audience. An engaging presentation design needs to be energetic, purposeful, and staged.

Here are tips and tricks for engaging presentation design:  

Planning before the presentation

Good planning can turn a boring PowerPoint into an engaging presentation design. Before compiling a presentation slide, we must define the outline of the material, the purpose, and the keywords of the material that make the audience remember. Also, Consider the number of audience for the engaging audience and find the best presentation time to keep yourself motivated and your audience interested. 

Use an icebreaker

Start the presentation by asking direct questions to the audience. This initial question will warm the audience and make participants active from the start. Then, it helps us relax before getting into the main body of the presentation and getting to the most critical points.

Use images and GIFs

Use images that are relevant to the text. The image must be of good quality and simple. We can also crop pictures to custom shapes. And then, we use GIFs to add humor or highlight an idea. Good images and GIFs can be an engaging presentation design.

Use simple text

Avoid lengthy text in slides. Use less text to avoid confusion from the audience. We can also use relevant images with minimal text. So, a simple text can turn a boring PowerPoint into an engaging presentation design.

Structure presentation like a story

Compose a presentation with a simple story. We will introduce by asking the audience. The beginning is crucial to engage the audience.

Use the appropriate font

Use the proper font so that the audience can read the text on the slide. Recommendation to use a font size of 28. And also, make your titles stand out. Serif fonts seem classier and more elegant. We are opting for wider margins, and we also need to pay attention. 

Use consistent presentation design

Use consistent presentation design to convey information as efficiently and clearly as possible to the audience, such as:

We use an exciting template from RRGraph templates. And also, color adds visual interest to your presentation.

  • Blue shows trustworthy
  • Green is calming
  • Red communicates confidence

Give color an icon in the corner of a slide, or give a color border that graces just one side of your slide. Vary your slide layout. It can be colorful, including some with text and an image, and the final slide encourages participation.

Explain each slide

Each slide explains what we present. Explain one topic on one slide briefly and clearly. 

Creating a presentation slide

Avoid bullet lists, and use one slide per sentence. When creating your presentation slides, keep Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 Rule in mind:

  • You should use no more than ten slides.
  • Your slides should take no longer than 20 minutes to get through.

Your font size shouldn’t go below 30-point font. 

Strong body language (position, posture, and gestures)

Non-verbal communication plays a significant role in attracting the audience. Body language can enhance what you say. We should pay attention to the physical relationship with the audience.

Posture will also determine the level of audience engagement. Find a comfortable position concerning the audience. Examples of good body language:

  • Use hand movements when conveying essential points.
  • Use calm and deliberate actions when highlighting specific information.

Make occasional presentations with walks and gestures that engage the audience, and do not turn your back on the audience when reading your slides.

Maintain eye contact with all sections of the audience. Making eye contact is one of the most powerful techniques for involving your audience.

Tell a slide story

Tell a slide story with an animation story. Introduce attractive slides with transitions. Avoid unnecessary animation on presentation slides or use modern and professional for engaging presentation design.

Add content

Add content supporting the main point, such as a great chart, picture, or phrase. Interesting content can turn a boring PowerPoint into an engaging presentation design.

Deliver a presentation with critical points

Deliver a presentation with critical points, and do not turn your back to the audience when reading the slides.

Share a copy of the presentation

Share a copy of the presentation slides after making the presentation so that the audience stays focused on our explanation.

Refocus the audience

Refocus the audience by fading the slide to black while expanding on a crucial topic.

Change the tone of voice

Change the tone of voice when we present so that the audience stays focused on listening. A precise and clear tone of voice can be an engaging presentation design. 

See also: 13 Best Places to Learn Presentation Design

Use all the tools

Use all the tools for engaging presentation design, and make it easier for your audience to remember.

Provide discussion panels

Provide discussion panels with the audience regarding the topics that we have presented. An active discussion panel can be an engaging presentation design. 

Ask questions

Asking questions during the presentation can be an engaging presentation design. Ask questions during the presentation to help engage the audience and arouse their interest and curiosity of the audience. In addition, ask questions for further discussion—two kinds of inquiry: poll questions and word clouds. Poll questions can get your audience thinking and debating. Word clouds will give you concise answers.

See also: 20 Books about Presentation Design

Use live quizzes

Use live quizzes to discover what the audience understands and get them involved with our present material. A live quiz is like a riddle question about the material presented. An active live quiz can be an engaging presentation design.

Embed videos

Embed videos that the audience in one room can hear about convey the intent or message of the presentation. Good videos can be an engaging presentation design. 

Using props

Using props to demonstrate or reinforce your points will make the presentation more attractive and get the audience’s attention to visualize what you’re presenting. The exciting support can be an engaging presentation design. 

See also: Good Presentation Design Tips and Tricks to Develop

Use social media

Use social media to showcase outside opinions and keep audiences connected. We can introduce hashtags to share our thoughts and ideas during the presentation and continue the discussion after the presentation is over.

Practice and practice

Practice is the most crucial part of delivering an interactive presentation to an audience. We can practice in front mirror, in front of friends or colleagues, and in a conference room or virtually.

Share presentation roles

When we change the topic, it’s best to invite people and guest speakers on stage to gain new perspectives and evolve presentation styles that help re-engage the audience.

See also: How to Choose the Best Presentation Design Agency


Thank you for reading our article. Those tips and tricks for engaging presentation design can excite your performance, like getting the audience’s attention, making compelling information, and getting a company or business profit.

Oh yeah. For more insightful articles, you can discover our Blog by drinking a cup of tea. 

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